Judge Leverett: Stand up for Little Rock tenants and fine Big Country Chateau's abusive owners

Tenants in Big Country Chateau (Little Rock, AR) have been put in harm's way time and time again and Judge Leverett has been letting this situation continue with no accountability for months.

Apex Equity Group, LLC has:

  1. Let the property decay so much that there have been over 900 Code Violations found at a recent investigation of the property

  2. Left hundreds of tenants without water or electricity

  3. Left tenants without security, resulting in nearly 10 deaths at the complex within the past year

Tell Judge Leverett to defend tenants across the city by sending a strong message by enforcing fines within the city code!

Take Action

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


We are calling on the NRHC, corporate landlords, and the State of Tennessee to:


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